"We were once the premiere gentlemen's fraternity in the world. But after decades of throwing the doors open to anyone and everyone, diminishing our standards, and allowing our Temples to crumble both literally and figuratively, what can we do to stop the downward spiral of mediocrity we seem to have embraced out of desperation?"-Laudible Pursuit DESPERATION BY BACTERIA WILL BE BLOCKED AND BANNED. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
The goal of the Illuminati is depopulation. From their own lips they have uttered these words. People who believe otherwise are spending to much time listening to the mainstream media. There was a movie released back in 1972 called, "ZERO POPULATION GROWTH" If you can get a hold of this movie you would do well to watch it." ________________________________________________
Where do I begin with you?
From now on, "BACTERIA" shall refer to these self-limiting idiots djhives is breeding.
Yes Tommyboy, |A| goal of the illuminati is depopulation. But it is not the only goal! Rather it is a necessary secondary goal to a much grander goal.
You moranic bacteria read "Zero Population Growth" and take it to FACE VALUE, as you all like to say on djhive's blog.
I can't stress enough to watch the infectious disease video! THERE IS SO MUCH TO GAIN FROM STUDYING IT!
Movies like Z.P.G., and Children of Men, and Logan's Run, etc. etc. all INDEED present a blueprint to almost wipe out |an entire generation|.
|an entire generation|...
WATCH IT AGAIN YOU BACTERIA and skip to 1:27 !!!!!!!
YOU dumbfucks believe that the elite would attempt to wipe out their entire human energy grid?!?!
After 1:27 wtf do you see??? An entire generation of the YELLOW and GREEN bacteria being wiped out by the "chemical". BUT WAIT, wtf? An entirely different RED generation survives and is booming regardless!
Smash your hollywood films into your FACE VALUE HEAD and understand that a SPECIFIC generation will be wiped out! NOT THE ENTIRE HUMAN GRID!
"they are going to risk depleting their entire human energy source, we are all going to die! Oh LAWDY, LIFEKILL is out to get me!" You BACTERIA make me sick.
The old youtube days have had quite an impact on Lord Djhives. His assumptions on Experiment Lifekill + the post traumatic stress disorder he got from youtube = aPe sHiT!
"Dear Dante_Altair,
What is this sh*t today? First devil gets the mochow award, now you. What's the malfunction here? You're baabbleing on about the elite wanting an INCREASE in population???
What's wrong with you?
Im so sick of you people. Dante, you D.A.N. - you're quoting an ELITE article claiming China wants a population INCREASE. How stupid do you have to be to believe this in light of their ACTIONS for the past 25 years? YOU FUCKING MORAN. Of course they're going to tell the cattle that they WANT a population increase while at the same time rolling the death van past anyone who dares have a second child.
- the f*ck is your problem? Is this piss-off-hives-sunday or something? It's called POLITICS - say one thing then do the OPPOSITE.
"It won't cost you a thing sir. Just $5.99"
It's the oldest form of hypnosis in the book. Why am I explaining this remedial shit to you?
LOOK AT DANTE! Look at the little retarted child who now thinks the elite want a population INCREASE because of one article.
GET OFF THIS GODDAMED BLOG!!! So sick of this remdial shit!
Do you want the youtube anger? Do you want to be BLOCKED AN BANNED for saying such stupid SH*T!!! YOU GOOK MORAN! What part of too many eaters and not enough food, don't you understand? What part of you infowarrior mind thinks that creating MORE welfare chinks in Asia is going to be BETTER for the Benevolency? WHERE IS YOUR LOGIC? Or did your dad leave that on the floor of the subway bathroom you were conceived in?
Fucking TV watching weak-minded FOOL, beLIEving every fucking AMPLIFIER he sees on TV. What part of your rat brain didn't understand when I said ALL TV, NEWS, and MOVIES are AMPLIERS. Ment to amplify a certain feeling or bee-hiveior.
Im so SICK of you GOY CATTLE who run blabbering to me about some FARTICLE you read on CNN taking it for face value.
You are a malfunctioning WASTE - move along to www.infowars.com you don't even need to copy and paste - just click the link.
You are ALL MORANS! Joneses whole angle is showing you NEWS FARTICLES and have you take them at FACE VALUE. This is what honkeys like Dante Altair are doing. Everything you "read" is an amplifier. You trust YOURSELF or no one at all.
Stop REPORTING on articles and start WRITING THEM.
you weak ass bitch!"
My response:
Out of sheer respect for you, I will not pwn you on your own blog.
I see the traumatic effects the youtube days has had on you. It blows my mind away that someone of your caliber would miss this "Stupidly" open concept. You have let yourself be limited and confined to your own cubicle of knowledge (its a big cubicle btw). The sheep, jonesers, and others have triggered limits within you.
Everything you have said thus far, supports my Experiment Lifekill theory djhives. For you to lash out like a baboon at me, is to only lash out at yourself. Which is why this is incredibly suprising to me because this idea of mine continues on yours and DOES NOT go against your ideas AT ALL.
Something inside of me made me wonder why you never went into what I have ventured out into. Perhaps you are Agent djhives, becuase i had anticipated this reaction out of you. I know you know what I'm talking about, and yet for whatever reason, you do not want these people to know.
djhives. please do not assume. it will be your downfall. You think I came up with this theory out of just commenting on your post? You think my theory relies on that one quick statement I pulled up? LOL come on man. Experiment Lifekill theory was created out of total intelligence, spawned by the thinking from one-self and only influenced by the lifekill ideas you have presented. I had not even begun to look for any open sources by the elite when I came up with it yet you MORAN.
Hidden in plain sight right? You have been fooled djhives. Re-read the statement again, please. But this time, take your own advice and see that the plans are out for the masses to see IN PLAIN SIGHT. YOU see an amplifier, JOnesers see "failed nwo efforts" (ROFL), and I see something much different. Your problem is the assumption you make that I'm an infowarrior because i say the earth's population is growing LOL.
again, you say it is not growing, jonesers say it is growing because nwo is failing, and I say it is growing for reasons far more intelligent than you can both imagine.
djhives, my theory would not exist without your lifekill concept which you have benevolently presented. You have the advantage here friend, because jonesers are still stuck in DooDoo Land.
Do not limit yourself djhives! and especially the ideas you have made!
~oh btw, so we are clear. The population growing does not indicate that the nwo is failing and that a jones sheep revolt is possible. It means that there are bigger set goals by the elite. There is a reason that they make the population grow. Yea, thats right. The Illuminati are the ones actually increasing the world population. They have a supremely intelligent reason for this that blew my mind away when i discovered it.
My experiment lifekill theory actually proves and supports your future Luna concept.
~~oh shit i also forgot to mention:
Never did I rule out that the elite plan to depopulate the earth. As a matter of fact, if you understand experiment lifekill, you know that lifekill it self...
1.)Needs to happen. It exists.
2.)without lifekill, experiment lifekill would fail.
3.)lifekill is a limiting growth factor used by the elite to run their hyper-evolution project.
I didnt name my theory, "Experiment LIFEKILL" for nothing djhives.
UPDATE: LMFAO, djhives has deleted this response from the post he setup about me being a "moran". Why didnt he just leave it up so that the others would see how "moranic" I was? He deleted it out of fear that he would lose credibility with his readers. Unfortunately the dumbfuck doesnt see that Experiment Lifekill actually enhances his credibility. EPIC FAIL for you djhives.
[Found this video to give you a clear picture of things to come...The Great Beta/Gamma Divide]
I'll tell you how this ends for the bio magnetic shock hive beta/gamma residents...
your answer lies with the gay community. man to man, woman to woman has been around all over the world for quite some time now.
gay marriage is being legalized and i'll tell you now, that it will be legalized in all of the US. Why now? because now is a ripe time for experiment lifekill. booming population helps in accelerating evolution towards a specific bioengineered end product.
Think about it, this newfound gay marriage right to the modern gay man and woman will lead to certain complications (challenges are a necessary component for evolution). Their bio drives will push the urge to reproduce. they will attempt reproduction through PIITB (put it in the butt) methods and fail.
This will spawn new adaptations. First, adoption: to begin fooling dna writers in gametes that PIITB methods are "working". Women will use sperm donors and adoption for this as well. And next: the mutations...hermaphrodites (already springing up because of the ancient practices of gay sex).
...and then, possibly in a few thousand or millions of years, or perhaps only in a matter of hundreds of years...the final end product. A new species broken away from the alpha, a species broken off from humans as we know them today.
Asexually Reproductive Beings.
Define:Asexual Reproduction=A mode of reproduction by which offspring arise from a single parent, and inherit the genes of that parent only.
The final end product made possible from experiment lifekill. A return to the bacterial origins of these cattle, as seen in the Infectious Disease video. The BACTERIA, once finalized with the moran genes desirable and selected by the elite, will be sealed off completely by becoming asexual. The perfect hive dweller will reproduce into only perfect hive slave batteries each and every time.
"Pictures of tot mom Casey Anthony have been released, showing her partying and drinking and kissing girls."
MMMMmmmm girl on girl action. Its not for late nights anymore.
Look at how CNN tries to present this story in a way to make Casey and her partying seem bad. But in actuality they are exploiting her and her HAWT session to sexually amplify the bacteria.
Watch as Nancy Grace pretends to be the good bitch, and the guy on the right just tells it how it is.
"OMG EW! SHE'S SO DISGUSTING. YOU CALL THAT HAVING A GOOD TIME? I NEVER DID THAT AT A HALLOWEEN PARTY." All the while they are criticizing her, cnn is using delayed reaction methods through showing the HAWT pictures in the center. LOL. "Ew look at her! omg look at this picture. yeah ew, look at that one, she's in a sexy casino outfit. omg! look at the other sexy one." lol if its so evil why are you showing them, and glorifying her sexiness? lol thank you CNN.
Expect even more sexy parties like this to occur.
Bonus: Find the Duracell conditioning commercial they show before the video story by opening it up on cnn.com--> http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/crime/2009/03/25/ng.tot.mom.kissing.girls.cnn
For those of you who now better understand the TOTAL concept of EXPERIMENT LIFEKILL, check out this trailer for the upcoming movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine
"All the horrible things, your life, your father, the WARS, knowing that the woman you loved...was hunted down. I can make all this go away."
"Become the animal. Embrace the other side."
Experiment Lifekill Conditioning: Let the government take the load off of your lazy backs. [You are inefficient!] Look to me as your god and creator now! But above all else, I shall make you efficient again...much much more efficient. Jump into my petri dish and let us evolve you. Ah yes, much more powerful, much more anger!, much more ENERGY!
Can you imagine the benefits of a cattle that has been hyper-evolved to live forever!??! An energy source that does not deplete and keeps on slaving?!? A cattle that can now do 10x the work! HOLY COWPIES.
Become the animal! That is the purpose of experiment lifekill. They want to domesticate the sheeple further into actual fully DOMESTICATED OXEN, tagged and all! LOL
The goal is to condition the masses for the mutations that will be taking place and seen in the near future. They must make these changes to appear completely normal.
It is OK for the government to induce mutations in the population. Embrace it BACTERIA, for it shall make you so powerful! ARRRGHHHHH!
By now, most of you know what Lifekill is. You know why there are wars. You know why it is essential to the survival of a herd. You know why that without Lifekill, resources would vanish. A golden ratio of consumers to resources must be kept in line, in balance. Fine.
But has Lifekill been so effective? Is that all there really is to it? No. Lifekill goes deeper. You'd think that Lifekill would have kept the world's population in check by now (reduced 2/3 or what say you). "The world population is the total number of living humans on Earth at a given time. As of March 2009, the world's population is estimated to be about 6.76 billion. According to population projections, this figure continues to grow;" Surely this is not a mistake by the elite, to let such sheep mass overpopulate and continue to mass overpopulate. SURELY.[What's that you say? You say that this statement is a CIA measure? YOU BACTERIA. You have but only to observe your environment to notice that this planet is run amuck with human flesh!] But do you all not see this operation in a much more synoptic approach? I'm talking about seeing the whole picture so LARGE, that you begin to notice that zooming out too much to see the whole entire map of Lifekill, has left the much more overlooked finer details out of focus. Details so fine, that you would have to use a microscope to examine it.
Experiment Lifekill Lifekill has kept human numbers in check so far, but mainly for different reasons im about to tell you. The whole farm example is just a slight portion of this worldwide experiment. And I say experiment, because if Lifekill were not a component of this experiment, trust me, it would have been an easily executed operation by the elite a long time ago. Lifekill keeps the subjects for study alive, not necessarily just for the good of the herd or for the good of the earth. The lab rat must be fed. Too many lab rats fucking, and extra lab rats need be eliminated (as too many an offspring=too many a variable=distorted, uncontrolled lab results).[LIFEKILL IS USED BY THE ELITE AS A LIMITING GROWTH FACTOR FOR THEIR HYPER-EVOLUTION PROJECT]. You are all LAB RATS. But do not even begin to think that the Benevolent Illuminati is benevolent enough to put you all to the level of a rat. OH NO, no, no, no. YOU ARE ALL BACTERIA.
Accelerated Bacterial Evolution
Define:BACTERIA ~ are unicellular microorganisms; single celled organism with no nucleus or organelles; Very small, single-celled life-forms that can reproduce quickly; Single-celled organisms that are found throughout nature and can be beneficial or cause disease; Single-celled microorganisms which can exist either as independent (free-living) organisms or as parasites (dependent upon another organism for life); (also known as rabbit programs[folllow the white rabbit]) are a type of malware that create many instances of themselves, or run many times simultaneously, in order to consume large amounts of system resources; A derisive term for a lowlife or a slob (could be treated as plural or singular)
QUESTION: By domesticating this human, will I be able to bio-engineer it and pickout desirable traits overtime to further evolve it and eventually amplify its energies 10fold or more in the future?
RESEARCH SHOWS: Humans are indeed docile and an excellent test subject. Thank you airframe shock tests! Oh yeah, but evolution is slow as shit (takes thousands, millions of years). If only there were some way to accelerate evolution...time machine? no. natural method? yes. (This natural method shall be unveiled to you further into this post.)
HYPOTHESIS: If the population of humans is increased dramatically(through sexual amplifiers), then an overcrowd effect on their planet earth will induce hyper-evolution and mutation by intensity of bio challenges (now think of the true allegory for the x-men movie, are you all keeping up with me?). Population intensity=intensity and volume of challenges and obstacles the organism must solve/overcome to progress further into evolution.
EXPERIMENT: LifeKill. Procedure: Rinse, lather, and repeat. Independent variables: Degrees of sexual amplification to set a desired population size. Introduction of a varying degree of chemicals [This includes both substances and methods] to kill off population members. Dependent variable: Amount of occuring mutations (# of newly adapted and surviving test subjects and offspring) and rate of evolution in tested population.
now watch the video to see the experiment in action [Note: You must watch this exhibit to fully understand Experiment Lifekill]. http://www.koshland-science-museum.org/exhib_infectious/rapid_evolution_movie.jsp
Ah yes, you see it now. If not, GTFO. The elite strive to become more evolved. But guess what, they are taking their cattle with them along the evolutionary journey! This is a must! Study any pastoralist group and you will see how important it is to their survival to keep the cattle surviving as well. If the elite evolve into a new world alone, their cattle will not be able to survive in the new world. But if they evolve the cattle as well, both will enter the new age surviving!
As Lord ZEROMESSIAH so superbly commented: "Exactly what I was hesitating to say to hives when I was talking about Kurzweil's Singularity."
Define:KURZWEIL'S SINGULARITY AKA THE LAW OF ACCELERATING RETURNS = An analysis of the history of technology shows that technological change is exponential, contrary to the common-sense "intuitive linear" view. So we won't experience 100 years of progress in the 21st century -- it will be more like 20,000 years of progress (at today's rate). The "returns," such as chip speed and cost-effectiveness, also increase exponentially. There's even exponential growth in the rate of exponential growth. Within a few decades, machine intelligence will surpass human intelligence, leading to The Singularity -- technological change so rapid and profound it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history. The implications include the merger of biological and nonbiological intelligence, immortal software-based humans, and ultra-high levels of intelligence that expand outward in the universe at the speed of light.
Regarding this, it is known that human life started with food foraging, hunting and gathering, then horticulture, and then progressed into intensive agriculture. What this means is that by Kurzweil's Law of Acccelerating Returns, the capacitance of the bio-magnetic shock hive will increase by uncomprehensible measures. Earth will become an ultracapacitor and will, as a result, be able to retain a magnificent human capacity measure. Humans=energy. Kurzweil's law=increased energy capacity. more humans=more energy. Inevitably, humans and technology will merge completely, and kurzweil's singularity will apply to human evolution. Hyper-evolution is here.
New studies show that humans are still evolving: http://discovermagazine.com/2009/mar/09-they-dont-make-homo-sapiens-like-they-used-to/article_view?b_start:int=2&-C=
Read this web article published by Discover magazine. The article published in the magazine itself explains how humans are currently evolving in an exponential rate. Experiment Lifekill FOOLS! The higher the population, the faster the rate of evolution! Do you see the potential for this experiement?!? Read the ones below now!
Scientists fool bacteria into killing themselves to survive http://www.physorg.com/news148653696.html
Bioengineers will likely control the future of humans as a species. http://discovermagazine.com/2009/mar/02-evolution-by-intelligent-design