"We were once the premiere gentlemen's fraternity in the world. But after decades of throwing the doors open to anyone and everyone, diminishing our standards, and allowing our Temples to crumble both literally and figuratively, what can we do to stop the downward spiral of mediocrity we seem to have embraced out of desperation?"-Laudible Pursuit





Experiment Lifekill:Accelerated Bacterial Evolution
Read up on it you BACTERIA!

NEMESIS/DANTE styled videos:


DANGER!:Bridge collapse IMMINENT!:

E.L.:A.B.E. Series Chapter ONE part 1:

E.L.:A.B.E. Series Chapter ONE part 2:

E.L.:A.B.E. Series Chapter ONE part 3:

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Djhives releases his anger! YES! I feeeeel your hate!

Djhives called me out on one of his recent posts and on his "secret"[LLS] blog.

"LENN-ART!!! DANTE IS A FAGGOT! Look, I do not care if you do not credit or quote hives for your knowldge but DO NOT FORSAKE ME!!! This faggot had NO EARLY CLUE HOW to read MOVIES as allegory, metaphysics, etc. He had NO CLUE about the eclipse trick, power inductance, EVERYTHING NEMESIS and I have thought you all. This MARK would still be on infowars today if it wasnt for uploading those films -- again, I do NOT ask for praise, just do not SPIT in my face and pretend you have it all figured out, using NEMESIS and MY teachings as the basis like dante does. ALL of the blabberings on that blog are from PRINICPLES got from NEMESIS and hives. PERIOD. Hes been a half stepping fake from the get go. All of you made some sort of contribution as a GESTURE to get on Center of the sun, this cunt faggot would send me emails DAILY BEGGING TO BE LET ON WITHOUT MAKING A DONATION. His own 'flamoyant agenda' video is SYALIZED AFTER NEMESIS VIDEOS... again, nothing is wrong with that, but dont COPY and then claim to be the SOURCE of original thought on such subjects...like...oh...whats that guys name.. oh yeah... LA FAGLIA!He actls like a wanna bee beecaue he is a wanna BEE. Copy NEMESIS videos. Copy djhives blog. Then claim to be djhives. Mark ass MARK! You cant even fool a child with that record!" - Djhives from the "secret" blog

"NO DANTE ALTAIR, YOU BLACK FAGGOT! Your bullshit video on the Simpsons showing MOE "RETURNING" (devolving) TO A SINGLE CELL ORGANISM is simply the TRUE path of evolution..."-Djhives from pirates today
Woa! Now just hold on there Senorita Hives, you getting ahead of yourself with all that BULLSHIT.

I ALWAYS CREDIT nemesis and djhives in all my movies, and have even personally thanked djhives for teaching me how to read code.

Dont hype that NULLSHIT up about me emailing you daily either. LOL BITCH PLEASE, I asked you ONCE if I could be admitted to your "secret" blog. Get the fuck outta here with that niggertry!

[Dante Altair in his pimp robe]

Keep on hating your NEMESIS djhives, I'll be too busy lookin' good!

Evolution/de-evolution: the principle

[DJHIVES failing to grasp evolutionary concepts after watching The Flamboyant Agenda]

I've got to admit, I'm having a blast seeing djhives, every now and then, trying to decipher the flamboyant agneda video and the de/evolutionary information contained within...

BUT... UNFORTUNATELY, my patience for his NIGGERTRY on such concepts as well as patience for others' CHIMPANZAHNEGROYANCE has run DRY.

Look, I tried to explain how the evolution game works but you all just cant see it, and for this I HAVE FAILED YOU.

However, TONIGHT, I offer my timergy in explaining it to you all clear and sparkling simple with easy, fun COLORING BOOK PICTURES.

The problem with you all is this; you cant seem to think of evolution in any other way than a one way arrow.

YOu'll hear arguments such as:

"The dog evolved from the wolf!"
"NO! the wolf actually evolved from the dog!"

"The fierce wild feline evolved into a domesticated cat!"
"NO! the domesticated cat evolved into the wild feline!"


-----------------> WRONG

WRONG <-----------------------

I bring up an ALLEGORY of the forever seen PYRAMID symbolism.

Observe mah pictas hithas:

I will tell you that I have more respect for this STEP pyramid than I do for regular pointy pyramids.

"/---\" > "/\"

Many chimpanegroes will point out on the one dollar bill that the pyramid is UNFINISHED:

I SAY that such statements are pure and utter NIGGERTRY. The pyramid is not unfinished at all! NO it does not represent that the elite's work is never finished. wrong wrong wrong! A real allegory of the step pyramid simply describes geometrically our journey as a species through evolution.

If you were to look at any pyramid directly from above you would get something like this:Notice now how it turns into a SQUARE...

Now if you imagine each of the 4 points of the square as the foundation or CORNERSTONES...

...of evolution you will easily translate the cornerstones as the basic element of our species which is a SINGLE CELLED ORGANISM.

Now if we apply geometrically the step pyramid symbolism to the dante altair definition of human evolution, we get:

...where the constant unchanged FLAT SLOPE at the top of the step pyramid represents the STATIC EVOLUTION of humans. In the coloring book picture i provided to thee you can see that the sequence of human evolution goes like this; first was the bacteria, second came the ape (actually theres a huge chunk that happens in between bacteria and ape but that is irrelevant to this point), third came the standing up right human, then 4th came the ape, and finally fifth back to bacteria (IN A NATURAL CYCLE). So:

Let 1 = bacteria

Let 2 = Ape

Let 3 = Human

Using these numbers, we get the evolutionary sequence:


Nemesis described that before the occultation, everything was shared and no one human ruled over another. Eventually the pinnacle of evolution was reached when the moon watcher used the occultation to disrupt the boring NON-dynamisism of the human species. Those who held power grasped onto the pinnacle (highest order) of human evolution while the others began to fall back down either side of the pyramid (ultimately heading back to its single cellular self). Seeing that the humans in power could not stand up right more than they already have, they achieved STATIC EVOLUTION. This is why in the simpson's video in the flmboyant agenda, Moe is seen falling back down the evolutionary pyrmaid, while Homer REMAINS UNCHANGED (evolving statically).

Skip to 2:03 to see the sequence and homer's allegory of static evolution ( pay close attention to when homer points up to the sky signifying the point in time at which the occultation is executed):


Many of you will recall the movie PLANET OF THE APES:

The allegory seen in this movie doesnt get more obvious. It deliciously describes the point in time when the human static evolutionaries will evolve via biotechnologies (lifegrow) to leave the ape/humanzee behind.

My coloring book picture continues on the human static evolution to look like this:

Once those in power, the few who rule the many, leave everyone else behind, you will see stuff like this occur more frequently on earth:

So yes, Djhives makes one thoughtful meow in claiming that humans or a batch of them evolved into the current apes we see now. But unfortunately, he doesnt see the overall picture (only subjective begginnings/ends rather than cycles).

[djhives getting a scooby snack from one of his blond Shave Orgasmic customers]

Thursday, January 7, 2010


I love techno rap, or hip hop layed over some techno track, I dont mean drum n bass type rap, I mean stuff like three six maafia - act a fool or Wiz Khalifa - Say Yeah.

Can anyone leave some track names in the comments section if you know any others? THANKS!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

**UPDATE**Observing induction in the REAL world with Dante Altair : Basketball Stadiums

Ahhhhhhh yes, basketball stadiums. Perhaps one of the clearest, smack in yo face, real world examples of induction in daily life. Its not just for the two minutes hate anymore...

[Note center symbol:Circle with dot in the middle is symbolic for god, or in this case here...the central inductor. Remeber, there are two poles always labeled but the truth is that there is no positive or negative, there is no opposite, there is only ONE. 1's and 0's baby, 1's and 0's. 1=value, 0=null, void, or no value. Therefore only ONE exists. ONE FLOW.]

Ponder upon this picture hither, and you will see why basketball stadiums represent one of the clearest daily life examples of induction forces...

[NOTE: it is so objectively clear, by now you should see the induction lines represented by the 3 point line arc markers BENEVOLENTLY drawn out for the average day sports DAN.]
Now ponder upon tither picture...

Add them both together mentally, and what do you get???....





AH YES! Eureka!

[The primary objective here is to RE-magnetize/POLARIZE a drained office orc electron returning home to his slave quarters OR RE-magnetize/POLARIZE a "free" electron on the weekend off from the beehive.]

HENCE, we move onto the picture shither here...

[Left:The masses as they enter the stadium. Right: The masses as they exit the stadium]


[MAGNETIZER^ . LOFLCHOPS at the chemtrails in the background and the "In Harmony We Trust" slogan.]







Dante-great artcile. it's all about energy. The Elite create everything and this is HOW they rule.Look at every aspect of life in terms of an atom. All you have to do is CREATE atoms. For example: Wars = Atoms. I am sure you have heard this saying:"If you build it, they will come." - YOUDOIT2YOURSELF

The antiphonal set up of choirs (of old mostly), in a crude or probably unintended way, adopt the layout of most sporting events. Everyone knows how certain frequencies or groupings of frequencies can catalyze a 'pins & needles' feeling in the neck or spine environs.Being a multi-instrumentalist and composer I see music as it's own 'unit 731'...and for very good reason. music is a wonderful "silent weapon" (pun inteded), for the midriff/mook sheep consumer consumes music as an intangible narcotic (thoroughly addicted) and doesn't know that just like corporeal substances his music is most definitely laced with something else in order to elicit the correct behavioral engineering from him.Consumers are also conditioned to never actually learn the science of music so that all they can do is respond emotionally to the pathos/ethos of music.Sound is certainly an invisible hand. - ex nihilo ab nemo

And when some of the electrons (fans) in the audience are overloaded with energy after the game when they exit the stadium, the excess of energy in 'em usually turns into VIOLENCE which can be compared to a short-circuit of some sort or some electromagnetic reaction. They hate the fact that the North party won against the South or vice-versa not realizing (why would they?) that they are the very electrons without which the whole atom wouldn’t exist. Everything is connected to electromagnetic frequencies and waves, human thoughts, plants and animals behavior (animals in a forest or birds in the sky tend to always follow the same paths, they are guided by the Natural electromagnetic currents of the Earth), basketball players and fans, everything so when you know how to control that flow of magnetic waves, you know how to control your surroundings.One last thing, I’m into architecture big time (my job) and aside from the frequency stuff there is a question of geometric proportions of stadiums and buildings that helps the whole magnetizer to work or resonate even more efficiently, for instance that’s how were built Gothic Cathedrals… - Komar B.

The major coleseums are placed on ley lines.Could this be to dissipate the energy of the slave or collect it? - Master Crumbles

Sorry for coming here and getting emotional - BrazenHo321