"We were once the premiere gentlemen's fraternity in the world. But after decades of throwing the doors open to anyone and everyone, diminishing our standards, and allowing our Temples to crumble both literally and figuratively, what can we do to stop the downward spiral of mediocrity we seem to have embraced out of desperation?"-Laudible Pursuit





Experiment Lifekill:Accelerated Bacterial Evolution
Read up on it you BACTERIA!

NEMESIS/DANTE styled videos:


DANGER!:Bridge collapse IMMINENT!:

E.L.:A.B.E. Series Chapter ONE part 1:

E.L.:A.B.E. Series Chapter ONE part 2:

E.L.:A.B.E. Series Chapter ONE part 3:

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Evolution/de-evolution: the principle

[DJHIVES failing to grasp evolutionary concepts after watching The Flamboyant Agenda]

I've got to admit, I'm having a blast seeing djhives, every now and then, trying to decipher the flamboyant agneda video and the de/evolutionary information contained within...

BUT... UNFORTUNATELY, my patience for his NIGGERTRY on such concepts as well as patience for others' CHIMPANZAHNEGROYANCE has run DRY.

Look, I tried to explain how the evolution game works but you all just cant see it, and for this I HAVE FAILED YOU.

However, TONIGHT, I offer my timergy in explaining it to you all clear and sparkling simple with easy, fun COLORING BOOK PICTURES.

The problem with you all is this; you cant seem to think of evolution in any other way than a one way arrow.

YOu'll hear arguments such as:

"The dog evolved from the wolf!"
"NO! the wolf actually evolved from the dog!"

"The fierce wild feline evolved into a domesticated cat!"
"NO! the domesticated cat evolved into the wild feline!"


-----------------> WRONG

WRONG <-----------------------

I bring up an ALLEGORY of the forever seen PYRAMID symbolism.

Observe mah pictas hithas:

I will tell you that I have more respect for this STEP pyramid than I do for regular pointy pyramids.

"/---\" > "/\"

Many chimpanegroes will point out on the one dollar bill that the pyramid is UNFINISHED:

I SAY that such statements are pure and utter NIGGERTRY. The pyramid is not unfinished at all! NO it does not represent that the elite's work is never finished. wrong wrong wrong! A real allegory of the step pyramid simply describes geometrically our journey as a species through evolution.

If you were to look at any pyramid directly from above you would get something like this:Notice now how it turns into a SQUARE...

Now if you imagine each of the 4 points of the square as the foundation or CORNERSTONES...

...of evolution you will easily translate the cornerstones as the basic element of our species which is a SINGLE CELLED ORGANISM.

Now if we apply geometrically the step pyramid symbolism to the dante altair definition of human evolution, we get:

...where the constant unchanged FLAT SLOPE at the top of the step pyramid represents the STATIC EVOLUTION of humans. In the coloring book picture i provided to thee you can see that the sequence of human evolution goes like this; first was the bacteria, second came the ape (actually theres a huge chunk that happens in between bacteria and ape but that is irrelevant to this point), third came the standing up right human, then 4th came the ape, and finally fifth back to bacteria (IN A NATURAL CYCLE). So:

Let 1 = bacteria

Let 2 = Ape

Let 3 = Human

Using these numbers, we get the evolutionary sequence:


Nemesis described that before the occultation, everything was shared and no one human ruled over another. Eventually the pinnacle of evolution was reached when the moon watcher used the occultation to disrupt the boring NON-dynamisism of the human species. Those who held power grasped onto the pinnacle (highest order) of human evolution while the others began to fall back down either side of the pyramid (ultimately heading back to its single cellular self). Seeing that the humans in power could not stand up right more than they already have, they achieved STATIC EVOLUTION. This is why in the simpson's video in the flmboyant agenda, Moe is seen falling back down the evolutionary pyrmaid, while Homer REMAINS UNCHANGED (evolving statically).

Skip to 2:03 to see the sequence and homer's allegory of static evolution ( pay close attention to when homer points up to the sky signifying the point in time at which the occultation is executed):


Many of you will recall the movie PLANET OF THE APES:

The allegory seen in this movie doesnt get more obvious. It deliciously describes the point in time when the human static evolutionaries will evolve via biotechnologies (lifegrow) to leave the ape/humanzee behind.

My coloring book picture continues on the human static evolution to look like this:

Once those in power, the few who rule the many, leave everyone else behind, you will see stuff like this occur more frequently on earth:

So yes, Djhives makes one thoughtful meow in claiming that humans or a batch of them evolved into the current apes we see now. But unfortunately, he doesnt see the overall picture (only subjective begginnings/ends rather than cycles).

[djhives getting a scooby snack from one of his blond Shave Orgasmic customers]


  1. Excellent.

    Please, take a look at this: "backward (forward) evolution"


    --If we consider to be true the following bold statement (with the help of Nemesis but to tell the truth, i was into that stuff way before even knowing of his existence, it was only a confirmation) that humans were actually contemporaries of dinosaurs for instance and that a particular hominid branch has evolved faster than the others and became technologically advanced, it makes sense to say that devolution is in fact evolution and vice-versa so to speak, it's all about cycles. The goal of our elite is probably to become as evolved as their ancestors, to return/reach their evolution level while the natural cycle of human evolution leads the others toward an ape-like state.

    I've heard on the news last week that archeologists have found recently in poland handprints of hominids that must have walked like apes some 400 millions years ago... another confirmation, official this time.

  2. For teh HUMANZEES

    Post-humans win against nature for one reason.

    Teh LAZORZ!!!


    Seriously Look into Anton Lavey's musings on the TRAPEZOID and compare them to your concepts here on the unfinished pyramid. He was truly ahead of his time.


  3. your shit sucks ....you know that deep down ...you borrow lingo ...say them and mimic whhat you see on the tV.....sitting there with one spoke ear ...at you cumputer ...while your townbicicle of a mom ...ching ching...calls you for dinner ...pop N chips .....but you won t say anything bee cuz you r a bitch who needs a titfrom a ciggerett.....don t forget to die.....

  4. ...said the bitch (kray) who dedicated a whole blog on me.

    lol thanks.

    I <3 haterz

  5. a hole blog ??? no just acomment ...just saying is all ......if hives never mentioned this info ....you of all idiots would dbe talking about how mucj=h you dig alex jones.....be real ...and why arebt you dead yet .... it was a good post though ...way better than what lucy brings to the table ...

  6. nigga kray,

    I never even heard of alex jones until i heard djhives mention him first a long time ago. so you can just get the fuck ----->

    When are you going to learn that i am nothing like you people...i was born already beyond you all.

    Oh, and I died on february of last year.

    I have already risen from the ashes of my grave.

  7. Well well, how things never cease to change in this "non" static universe... Dante, I get the impression that you and Hives are now mortal enemies, tisk tisk... But anyway, back on topic, "de-evolution"... An interesting concept, but I gotta admit, I strongly bee-leive that your understanding of this phenomenon is not of the correct context. In order to understand this "unnatural" phenomenon, you have to first think back to the monolith, and what it represents. Nemesis is full of shit in his view on this matter, the monolith is "NOT" the heel stone. In the film 2001 a space odysse, every single scene of the monolith was accompanied by the sound of millions of bee's buzzing in the back ground. This was allegory for the collective consciousness (souls) contained within the monolith, like the Borge from Star Trek, they are both for all intents and purposes one and the same thing. Bear in mind also that the Bee-Hive is a common symbol used to represent the collective nature of the masonic order, as well as all it's sub factions across the globe. Now that I have established a premise, I will attempt to reveal a conclusion through logic. Before the monolith arrived, the humanoid species on this planet was in harmony with nature, everything was as it was intended to be (Garden of Eden). After the monolith arrived, and channeled the humanoid (Moon Watcher, Lucifer, Nimrod) with the gift of intellect, the natural order of being for the humanoids was disrrupted (kind of the same way a virus dissrupts the cellular functions of a biological organism). And the only way this virus can survive is by spreading to other cells (planets/humanoids)... Natural evolution is a slow process, millions and millions of years for the most subtle biological changes that are dictated by the surrounding environmental changes. What the monolith (virus) has done and is doing to this day is accelerating and exploiting this process in preperation for it's next jump, more than likely the nearest star system inhabited by a humanoid species with adaptability characteristics similar to our own. Once this jump is made, the humanoids left behind will not de-evolve, they will simply revert back to the natural course of evolution they were in prior to the monolith's (Satans) arrival. No harm, no foul. Those who wish to be assimilated into the collective simply have to ask, and those who wish to stay behind will be free to do so, the choice is yours, it always has been.

    I would like to have been able to described this matter in greater detail, but do to time constraints this rough summarization is the best I can do at the moment.

  8. Wow.

    Frontaccount, just...no comment man...no comment.

    you lost me at "u and hives are mortal enemies". thats where the niggerfest began in your comment.

  9. Heh, just ponder on it for a while..heheheh

  10. I will elaborate for the sake of clarification.... Humanoids are the most adaptable species in the universe... Under normal circumstances, the environment over long periods of time (generations) "induces" biological changes ie. "adaptation". When there is no change in the surrounding environment, adaptation ceases, there is no need for biological adjustments... In order to change a species in any way, it must be done through induction, in other words, you alter the environment, and biochemistry handles the rest. It makes me feel ill, when I hear survival of the fittest this, and survival of the fittest that, because nobody ever has the thinking capacity to see it for what it is, (fittest for what??). The species is being induced to adapt to artificially induced technological, social, and environmental changes at a gradual, but accelerating rate. Whenever a new technology is granted to the masses, it's always brought in gradually, this method serves a purpose, meant to mimic the gradual rate of change in a natural environment. This is why Albert Pike said in his book "Morals and Dogma" something to the effect of "timing is everything, you never bring about changes prematurely". Doing so would over whelm the masters, and destabilize their control over the herd, kind of like dumping too much gasoline on an open fire. The method here is very simple to grasp, subtle changes in the environment, to carefully induce evolution (adaptation) in a desired direction. It is a means to an end, the end is obvious to anyone who posesses a functioning brain and has done their home work, FREE LABOR! The goal of the masters is godhood over man, the completion of the great work, and it will be fullfilled when every living man woman and child is engineered to the point of perfect docility, performing assigned tasks automaticly, without any deviation from birth to death (perfect predictability), exactly like worker bee's in a hive. The only way to accomplish this with such precision will require neural interfacing (transhumanism), as implied in the previous post, a "borge" collective. Once control over the central nevous system is handed over to the masters, assimilation will be complete, and YOU as an individual sovereign life force will no longer exist, the very concept of individual self will become incomprehencible. This is the agenda that is symbolised by the monolith, the borge, and ofcoarse the masonic cube (perfect ashlar). The perfection of man (plural), is the perfect collective slave race. And transhumanism is the gate way. Once man and machine is combined, what's commonly refered to as "soul" will no longer be confined to the five sensory inputs of the physical body, the very consciousness of the individuals jacked into the system will become fused together into one ("mono"lith-ic) collective consciousness, passing in and out of any "authorized" application that is plugged into that system, weather it be biological, or mechanical will make no difference. See the Matrix film, where Morpheus mentors Neo in the agent training program scene.

  11. remedial shit minus the rest of that primetime bullshit in your comment.

    Its good that you are adapting this knowledge to your own terms though. unfortunately you are too late to begin another debate. Although i see none presented in your remedial comments. Readers of this blog and I have moved way beyond this topic since then.

  12. Whatever numb nuts, you are living proof of one of two things....... 1. Some people cant be reached, and 2. (Most importantly) Agents of the matrix will never allow the real truth to be understood by the masses.

    I know what you are, and you ain't fooling me, if every knee must bow, you're gonna play hell with these knee's.
