"We were once the premiere gentlemen's fraternity in the world. But after decades of throwing the doors open to anyone and everyone, diminishing our standards, and allowing our Temples to crumble both literally and figuratively, what can we do to stop the downward spiral of mediocrity we seem to have embraced out of desperation?"-Laudible Pursuit





Experiment Lifekill:Accelerated Bacterial Evolution
Read up on it you BACTERIA!

NEMESIS/DANTE styled videos:


DANGER!:Bridge collapse IMMINENT!:

E.L.:A.B.E. Series Chapter ONE part 1:

E.L.:A.B.E. Series Chapter ONE part 2:

E.L.:A.B.E. Series Chapter ONE part 3:

Friday, January 1, 2010

**UPDATE**Observing induction in the REAL world with Dante Altair : Basketball Stadiums

Ahhhhhhh yes, basketball stadiums. Perhaps one of the clearest, smack in yo face, real world examples of induction in daily life. Its not just for the two minutes hate anymore...

[Note center symbol:Circle with dot in the middle is symbolic for god, or in this case here...the central inductor. Remeber, there are two poles always labeled but the truth is that there is no positive or negative, there is no opposite, there is only ONE. 1's and 0's baby, 1's and 0's. 1=value, 0=null, void, or no value. Therefore only ONE exists. ONE FLOW.]

Ponder upon this picture hither, and you will see why basketball stadiums represent one of the clearest daily life examples of induction forces...

[NOTE: it is so objectively clear, by now you should see the induction lines represented by the 3 point line arc markers BENEVOLENTLY drawn out for the average day sports DAN.]
Now ponder upon tither picture...

Add them both together mentally, and what do you get???....





AH YES! Eureka!

[The primary objective here is to RE-magnetize/POLARIZE a drained office orc electron returning home to his slave quarters OR RE-magnetize/POLARIZE a "free" electron on the weekend off from the beehive.]

HENCE, we move onto the picture shither here...

[Left:The masses as they enter the stadium. Right: The masses as they exit the stadium]


[MAGNETIZER^ . LOFLCHOPS at the chemtrails in the background and the "In Harmony We Trust" slogan.]







Dante-great artcile. it's all about energy. The Elite create everything and this is HOW they rule.Look at every aspect of life in terms of an atom. All you have to do is CREATE atoms. For example: Wars = Atoms. I am sure you have heard this saying:"If you build it, they will come." - YOUDOIT2YOURSELF

The antiphonal set up of choirs (of old mostly), in a crude or probably unintended way, adopt the layout of most sporting events. Everyone knows how certain frequencies or groupings of frequencies can catalyze a 'pins & needles' feeling in the neck or spine environs.Being a multi-instrumentalist and composer I see music as it's own 'unit 731'...and for very good reason. music is a wonderful "silent weapon" (pun inteded), for the midriff/mook sheep consumer consumes music as an intangible narcotic (thoroughly addicted) and doesn't know that just like corporeal substances his music is most definitely laced with something else in order to elicit the correct behavioral engineering from him.Consumers are also conditioned to never actually learn the science of music so that all they can do is respond emotionally to the pathos/ethos of music.Sound is certainly an invisible hand. - ex nihilo ab nemo

And when some of the electrons (fans) in the audience are overloaded with energy after the game when they exit the stadium, the excess of energy in 'em usually turns into VIOLENCE which can be compared to a short-circuit of some sort or some electromagnetic reaction. They hate the fact that the North party won against the South or vice-versa not realizing (why would they?) that they are the very electrons without which the whole atom wouldn’t exist. Everything is connected to electromagnetic frequencies and waves, human thoughts, plants and animals behavior (animals in a forest or birds in the sky tend to always follow the same paths, they are guided by the Natural electromagnetic currents of the Earth), basketball players and fans, everything so when you know how to control that flow of magnetic waves, you know how to control your surroundings.One last thing, I’m into architecture big time (my job) and aside from the frequency stuff there is a question of geometric proportions of stadiums and buildings that helps the whole magnetizer to work or resonate even more efficiently, for instance that’s how were built Gothic Cathedrals… - Komar B.

The major coleseums are placed on ley lines.Could this be to dissipate the energy of the slave or collect it? - Master Crumbles

Sorry for coming here and getting emotional - BrazenHo321


  1. Dante-

    great artcile. it's all about energy. the best teams in NBA history - BULLs, LAKERs, Celtics, etc. all used what is famously known as the TRIANGLE OFFENSE. Masons created/invented baseball, football, soccer (football, futbol), and basketball. Just look at the bird's eye view of a baseball field and tell me what you see. The Elite create everything and this is HOW they rule.

    The fans who watch the games are electrons (-) (slaves), the players, coaches are protons (+) (slaves) (PROfessional athletes) and the owners are neutrons (no matter what the charge + or -), they win. They created the atom. They organized the energy. Now obviously the owners still want to win, because they want to attract as many electrons as possible.

    The fans (electrons) are induced to give away their energy.

    To have more POWER means to have more ENERGY.

    Look at every aspect of life in terms of an atom. All you have to do is CREATE atoms. For example: Wars = Atoms.

    I am sure you have heard this saying:

    "If you build it, they will come."

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. LOL AND I WAS THERE WHEN DANTE SPOKE IT! 12/30/... wait Dante what calendar are we using? lmao. This is ingenious!

  4. LOL welcome BrazenHO321.

    I've come across your "alien scientist" before.

    99% baboonery and subjectivity. Not to mention most of the vids uploaded are from other people lol.

    nice try though bitch, now get the fuck --->

  5. This has inspired me to buy a textbook on physics-- gold mine.

  6. he he he....yeah big heads act like you dooooooo. watch put buddy someone's gonna come along and bust that big ass bubble of yours. you know you're no diffrent than dj-hives. but...I guess thats why you're attracted to him. you guys have a lovely 2010, I know I will. love you guys bye bye now.

  7. 2010???

    what is this 2010?

    the only person who will bust my "bubble" will be ME. For you are your own worst enemy.

  8. Silence that beast by blocking it

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Top of the norming to you.

    The antiphonal set up of choirs (of old mostly), in a crude or probably unintended way, adopt the layout of most sporting events. Although in some instances the musicians completely surround the audience instead of the usualy dichotomy of amassed audience watching the performers in a tennis court formation (the net of course being the 'thin red line' divider of stage from seating.

    Also, a lot of modern contemporary music (which people deem experimental for some reason) tends to follow a visual schema that is more likely to reroute the audience's energy.

    Everyone knows how certain frequencies or groupings of frequencies can catalyze a 'pins & needles' feeling in the neck or spine environs.

    Being a multi-instrumentalist and composer I see music as it's own 'unit 731'...and for very good reason.

    Glad to have found this page. Wonderful work sir.

  11. music is a wonderful "silent weapon" (pun inteded), for the midriff/mook sheep consumer consumes music as an intangible narcotic (thoroughly addicted) and doesn't know that just like corporeal substances his music is most definitely laced with something else in order to elicit the correct behavioral engineering from him.

    Consumers are also conditioned to never actually learn the science of music so that all they can do is respond emotionally to the pathos/ethos of music.

    Sound is certainly an invisible hand.

  12. Masons invented everything.Threes, shy, planets, toilet paper...

  13. brazebeast, you are unwanted. that is why your facial expression shows the heart of a lost little girl, forced into a world she doesnt understand, clinging to a strength that never seems to fix her problems. All you have to do is wish for a change. Change you can believe in!

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Excellent great post Dante.

    And when some of the electrons (fans) in the audience are overloaded with energy after the game when they exit the stadium, the excess of energy in 'em usually turns into VIOLENCE which can be compared to a short-circuit of some sort or some electromagnetic reaction. They hate the fact that the North party won against the South or vice-versa not realizing (why would they?) that they are the very electrons without which the whole atom wouldn’t exist.

    Ex nihilo, you are damn right, I am myself a multi-instrumentalist and composer like you and I must add that there’s no need for subliminal messages in songs to influence people, straight lyrics and appropriate frequencies, harmonies and melodies can easily do the trick. Another thing, studies have shown that wheat for example would grow faster and stronger when it’s subject to classical music, they played Mozart in quadraphonic to a crop of wheat and the results are outstanding, the question is: what a kind of music do the wheat prefers? lol

    Everything is connected to electromagnetic frequencies and waves, human thoughts, plants and animals behavior (animals in a forest or birds in the sky tend to always follow the same paths, they are guided by the Natural electromagnetic currents of the Earth), basketball players and fans, everything so when you know how to control that flow of magnetic waves, you know how to control your surroundings.

    One last thing, I’m into architecture big time (my job) and aside from the frequency stuff there is a question of geometric proportions of stadiums and buildings that helps the whole magnetizer to work or resonate even more efficiently, for instance that’s how were built Gothic Cathedrals…

  17. even civil wars or secession desires (like those in Quebec and Belgium) can be seen in terms of a dualistic sporting circuit.

  18. The major coleseums are placed on ley lines.Could this be to dissipate the energy of the slave or collect it?

    Brazenbooty,you are a naughty lil girl.Would you go to a crips or bloodz party and start demanding respect without earning it?

  19. Brazen,
    energy never dies,there is no such thing as death.Peace and divinity is within you

  20. Actually try placing the poles at the hoops to see the way the game flow (ball) progresses. The stands to the left and right of the hoop are being charged the most since few want to sit behind the hoop itself.

    Still nice diagram though. The principal is sound because both teams are polarities of the same game. The rivalry does miss the point, they are all there for the same game.

    They have been "CHARGED" for tickets and beer. Their CURRENTcy has been induced by the poles. Their TIMERGY has been collected and stored in the (energy)BANK.

    I could go on and on but its self evident at this point.

  21. I originally had the poles at the basketball hoops but changed it to fit the other .gif diagram. PLus the 3 point line arcs fit better too that way.

    but whateva, saaaaame shit. lol

  22. Awwh Master Crumples, thanks for being such a gentleman and talking to me like I am human being; I really do appreciate it. I've been weeping all morning for my brother and cousin who were killed and then I think about the other males in my family who are still living in a bad way; two of them being the two biggest drug dealers in the detroit area. I just weep all the time for them and then I come here and see your lovely reminder of how death doesn't exist it is only "transferred" to a different dimension of this time and space we call life. thanks again for your lovely reminder.

    Sorry for coming here and getting emotional, just wanted to add to Master Crumbles comment.

  23. Master Crumbles said: "The major coleseums are placed on ley lines.Could this be to dissipate the energy of the slave or collect it?"

    As far as i know its meant to re-magnetize/charge the electrons/particles. I wouldn't be surprized if modern coliseums such as the one in China (Dongguan) were built on ley lines for they are the cathedrals of modern times. Until the 13th century, cathedrals were systematically built on ancient megalithic sites of the celtic era simply because megaliths, dolmens, menhirs and cromlechs were erected on ley lines crossings or magnetic nodes if you will. These stones were transmitter-receivers meant to receive/collect Earth's telluric currents and cosmic energy as well in conjunction with astronomical events such as planet alignments and then it would be transmitted to people in order to charge them magnetically. When you enter a cathedral everything is made to charge you, from the chosen geographical site to the very proportions of the building that's why you have labyrinths in some cathedrals like in Chartres (i've been there), it's not just a symbol or allegory for the winding path an alchemist apprentice must follow to reach enlightment, it's the very spot where all the energy is concentrated, the longer you stay on that spot, the more you're charged...

    Damn, There's so much to say, i will probably write something on this topic soon.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Please do make a topic about this on your blog sometime komar, i'd really be interested in learning more.

  26. "When you enter a cathedral everything is made to charge you"
    When I went to an old Cathedral in Quebec I experienced this phenomena and felt it strange because I didn't believe in God, but at the time gave that a value of God.

    Also when standing on top of tenochtitlan I went to the side which looked like an area to stand, and I felt an unreal rush of power that I have felt only a few times in life. I stepped off, and it dissipated. But I remember it. Right up my spine.

    When I saw AVP I was reminded of this by the Predator standing on the pyramid and the power he seems to possess, which interestingly was felt by me. Here a link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVakFLeojM4

  27. Komar, I have been to many of the dolmens and menhirs of Brittany, and the one that gets me the most is the alignment at Carnac. I have looked at various leyline maps but they seem different. It is a very interesting subject worthy of more research. Le Mont St. Michel also seems to have a charging effect, especially at night when touring the abbay. I would really appreciate a post from you on this topic, since you have such a great way of interpreting such mysteries.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Sorry for deleting my previous comments but i'm a little bit drunk. Alcohol is controlling me. lol

    OK brothers, i will. Don't hold your breath too long because i have other things to do currently but i will the sooner i can.

    Many books have been written on this topic and the more you research, the more you realize that our ancestors definitely knew about electromagnetism.

    Its funny because when i was something like 20, i used to be a "menhir hunter" so to speak. With a friend of mine we would spend days trying to clean up stones in the forest ("Carnute forest", the second most important Celtic ceremonial place after "Broceliande") and we found some very interesting things such as carved stones as well as other stone arrays uncared-of for years and covered with moss. I especially remember this "seat", literally a throne carved in stone facing the Sun on a hill top in the forest (no joke, it was definitely a throne with armrests and all), we sat in it watching the Sun for a moment...

    It's funny because when i rethink of all this, i know where i come from.

  31. Genetics plays a huge part doesn't it? I can take my own heritage and compare it to my drive for creating industry and trade. And if there is one thing that makes me giddy, it's gold.

  32. If something like gold makes you giddy, then you my friend, are nothing but a leprechaun.

  33. LOL...


  34. they're after me lucky charms, they're magically delicious!
