"We were once the premiere gentlemen's fraternity in the world. But after decades of throwing the doors open to anyone and everyone, diminishing our standards, and allowing our Temples to crumble both literally and figuratively, what can we do to stop the downward spiral of mediocrity we seem to have embraced out of desperation?"-Laudible Pursuit





Experiment Lifekill:Accelerated Bacterial Evolution
Read up on it you BACTERIA!

NEMESIS/DANTE styled videos:


DANGER!:Bridge collapse IMMINENT!:

E.L.:A.B.E. Series Chapter ONE part 1:

E.L.:A.B.E. Series Chapter ONE part 2:

E.L.:A.B.E. Series Chapter ONE part 3:

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Member Debut:Beilana

Beilana writes:

Brother Altair,

I was a genetics major in college and am now a physician - I just want to point something out to see how the crowd reacts to this observation. If you have not already noticed - the new swine flu is causing cytokine storm. There are only a handful of ways to cause this. Most likely someone inserted human IL-6 or other immune enhancers into the virus. This will preferentially kill those with a strong immune system (the young) because it is your own immune system that kills you. This will have an effect of weakening the immune system of ALL humanity - not enhancing it. This means that the genes being selected for are those that decrease the health of the average individual not increase it. This IS devolution and it would happen to the ENTIRE population even within the ranks of the Illuminati themselves. Because this flu is likely to recombine with H5N1 and numerous dangerous flu strains already endemic in the many species it can infect, there will be multiple deadly outbreaks of many new strains all over the world that you can get from many animals in nature itself. Therefore, unless they decide to go live on mars for a few decades some among their ranks will end up with this flu causing devolution in themselves. This does not make much sense to me. Why attack yourself too?

One idea might be that they are sacrificing the health of the species to select out those that are smart enough to avoid it. Therefore, the evolutionary gain is questionable suggesting that their goal is indeed population reduction and not selecting for improvement in the species.

I would love to hear the comments on this observation.

Now examining what will be the result...

It really does not matter how many Niosh 100 masks you have accumulated, antiviral drugs you have stockpiled, or anything unless you live in a bubble. This virus can live on surfaces for up to 30 days, and if you rub your eye ever after touching a counter top you may end up dead.

Almost everyone dies in this scenario - accept for those few individuals that just happen to have receptors on their cells that do not bind to either of the extremely mutable neuraminidase or hemagglutinin. Your chance of is are next to none. Intelligence, work ethic, responsibility, spending habits, or anything else that can be controlled by each individual has no effect on your survival because it will not change your having these genes.

The benefit the illuminati seek? For those that live (who now do not have sialic acid on their cells' surfaces - These humans may not get the flu much any more.

It still seems to me that the benefit does not match the cost even for them. Therefore, I still conclude that their main goal is population reduction knowing full well that this pandemic will effect them as well.

As you can see, I am still looking for another motive behind what they are doing other than just population reduction because the gene improvement is poor to none at best. They must know something about sialic acid or other receptor that I don't. Maybe people that do not have this receptor are smarter or something. I really don't know, which is why I am still looking for the answer.


Excellent comment. However, it seems that this is new to you beilana...

"This means that the genes being selected for are those that decrease the health of the average individual not increase it."

Precisely. Note, "average individual". The average individual is the target. Unless you are average, you have nothing to worry about.

"This will have an effect of weakening the immune system of ALL humanity - not enhancing it."

You should understand that enhancement is only possible through Bio challanges. In this case, the disease is challenging your immune system. one's immune system cannot get stronger if there isnt anything to put it into action. The same can be said in succeeding in life. You must fail first in order to succeed. What doesnt kill you, makes you stronger. Overcoming a challenge, such as one to your immune system, is the first step in generating adaptations, mutating, and finally evolving.

Weakening the immune system for the short term = stronger immune system in the long term.

the flu affecting ALL of humanity is a good thing.

As for animal viruses, one should take note that one of the major mutations which occured in homo sapiens when we left the other hominids back in the day, was that we lost the sugar gc molecule in our dna.


Losing the gc sugar was critical in that almost all viruses affecting us back then , did so because we shared the gc sugar molecule with other animals. Many animal viruses need to use gc in order to infect. Seeing that we dont have it anymore, its safe to say that animal viruses should be the least of your worries.

"Intelligence, work ethic, responsibility, spending habits, or anything else that can be controlled by each individual has no effect on your survival because it will not change your having these genes."

I agree with almost everything you just said there except for intelligence and responsibility. I also agree that stocking up on anti-flu products is not going to save you. However, it is a worthy precaution to take as it can only help you.

You seem to have this idea that a whole mess of people will die globally via some flu. I am frustrated at having to read about you thinking that the illuminati would end up infecting themselves. Next time you talk about the illuminati, don't speak of them as if they were mere human beings that make retardedly honest mistakes. The truth is that they dont make mistakes. They dont know what a mistake is. Dont ever dare try to put them on to your primitive level.

"It still seems to me that the benefit does not match the cost even for them."

A lot of you people seem to have this impression that Nature's Prodigy Children NEED you. As selfish, greedy, and narcissistic as you bacteria are, the simple fact is that they dont. YOU need THEM. The NPC have no dependency on their human energy grid, and have no reason to feel indebted to man, because the only force that which they owe for their existence is nature. The NPC could kill everybody right now and live happily in the forest. But you know what, thats an animalistic way of thinking for a mere human. The NPC could even live in isolation from each other as they dont need each other, only nature. The NPC are resourceful beings, and benevolent scientists.

FEAR and desperation for an answer before time runs out, seems to be the juice that is making your mind run. This is unfortunate but understandable. Get it out of your head, these supreme beings arent out to get you. These supreme beings' purpose in life isnt to reduce the global population. What a bacterial way of thinking, that the advanced NPC would only concern themselves with population reduction. Surely you dont think they're thinking/intelligence capacity is THAT LOW to only be concerned with killing off people? How insulting.

"They must know something about sialic acid or other receptor that I don't."

Well OMFG, NO SHIT. Hmmmm who is more intelligent? Some fool who got a genetics major in the College of Debt, or THE PEOPLE WHO RUN YOUR SHIT AND YOUR EDUMACATION?

"look at me, i borrow to get ahead. Im a fancy physician. I'm a credible person because I have this paper that says i majored in genetics. I love paper. Paper fascinates me, especially the green kind that gets my dick hard."

As much as your bacterial thinking disturbs me, i see that you have potential because you're one of the few people so far to say something intelligent worth responding to on this blog.

Your debut on this blog is at good standing.

Some advice:

Don't get stuck thinking about only the viruses. there are other things out there that are meant to evolve humans as well. Perhaps this is why you dont see the point in doing all this, because your bacterial mind is stuck on seeing one thing. Don't limit yourself.

oh yes, i forgot to mention...

Now that you know that NPC are resourceful beings and not all concerned about population reduction [unless you're an idiot and still think otherwise], you can see that the main targets are the young and immunely strong. Try thinking about this. THINK. why arent NPC targeting the weak? Why is it that the cytokine storm effect is being resourced as a way to target healthy immune systems? BEcause there is NOTHING to gain from trying to enhance weak ass people. What better way to enhance humanity than pushing the strong even further! Just when you thought there wasnt any more room for improvement, SLAP!


  1. I only mentioned my background to give you some information of where I am coming from on the subject, not to focus on degrees or paper. It is the people who don’t have a degree that focus on the paper. Those that have it usually realize the grass is not any greener on this side of the fence. I also used my background to provide a context for the discussion.

    I applaud your use of this video and incorporation into your response. The video could not have illustrated your point better. Additionally, IF sialic acid and or gc is indeed the gene which resulted in many of the recent evolutionary changes in humans, altering it could have a profoundly rapid effect on our future evolution.

    I too am interested in advancing humanity genetically. Environmental pressures to keep humans evolving are a much preferable alternative to letting the least capable among us to breed out of proportion. Another possible result of overpopulation could be an Easter Island type scenario developing which would be just as disastrous. I am thrilled evolutionary manipulation is being done on some level.

    The question then becomes, what are they trying to evolve us all into? If they are not using it to eliminate disease or make us smarter, then what direction are they trying to push it? I am very aware the illuminati have access to a much greater fund of knowledge than I do. Nevertheless, a person does not need to know everything about them to get a feel what they are trying to accomplish. I know that whatever it is does not involve my choice or freedom in the matter – there goal does not result in free people (they seem to want highly effective slaves that attack each other to keep each other in check). I see this when I read your blog as well.

    Also, I am very aware of many of the projects which they are currently undertaking. I was involved with one of the projects in college. We engineered rice to increase their carbohydrate output. We succeeded in making a 50% larger rice grain. Of coarse this was all funded by the same groups that fund the rest of the educational system. There were several debates on this by all involved. On the one hand, it would feed more people, however, the nutritional content would be poor because you would not have the same mineral content. Your brain needs minerals to function properly. They certainly do not want people thinking too much. That is evident by almost everything they do and I believe that thinking is one of the best things in life. This makes me start to disagree with their agenda for me. I also studied under several professors that were offered (and turned down) government jobs to make viruses that killed small babies, etc.

    There are countless other projects I know of that I have NOT been directly involved with. There is an obvious seed agenda. They have taken enzymes out of seeds which would otherwise allow them to germinate once taken out of the new fruit born from the resulting plant. This has been done in almost every known food producing plant. There is also the anti-free energy agenda – they murder or eliminate anyone that produces a method to become energy independent that wants to market it or share it. They are placing dangerous preservatives among other additives etc in vaccines. There are phytoestrogens in almost everything we eat. They put strong estrogen plasticizers (BPA and DES) in our plastics. They place fluoride and pharmaceutical drugs in the water, and heavy metals in the air, and nitrates in the meat, and long lasting insecticides on the plants and animal feed. They make refrigerator and drinking hoses out of vinyl – when mixed with the chloride in the water, they produce highly toxic vinyl chloride. The do the same thing with PVC. They place chemicals everywhere to help produce cancers and mutations in about every tissue known there is in the body. These physical stresses do not even consider the mental ones - the constant propaganda and religious training. I could go on for hours about some of the things I have heard and read. What next – supersoldiers and nanites? They might already have them for all I know.

    Nevertheless, it all appears to be designed to farm people (both you and I). Yes - you too. I have not seen you directly write anything about this, but DJHives loves to talk about the fact that most people believe in a fake god. (I do not believe in religion of any kind and really never have since I was 14 years old). Nevertheless, you both seem to come from a background of a Luciferian belief system. Just like Christian, Jewish, or other religions, you refer to illuminati as “supreme beings” and say that, “The truth is that they don’t make mistakes”. This all sounds very familiar to ALL other religions. You must know deep down that you are constantly being lied to as well. Do you think your view of them is any different from what other religions believe of their gods? You will be used as a slave then cast aside with the rest of us after your human “container” model becomes obsolete. Yes, they are farming you too. It is clear that you are afraid deep down because you are afraid to stand up and fight against their establishment yourself. You are afraid to even refer to them as anything other than god-like and quickly try to whip inline anyone that does think about that. You are afraid to even degrade them because they are like your prophets soon to be (if not already) your gods. Why do you even want to worship a god that simply plans to use you, put you under duress, then kill you for an experiment in evolution.

    You are wrong about my needing them. I have been taking myself out of the equation for years now. I have gone back and found the oldest seeds that still germinate on their own and planted them all over the country to make sure they will still produce good seed as long as I am alive. I have also spread the seed to my friends (giving them plants for Christmas) and have gotten them to do the same with their friends. Your internet blogs are only making my cause grow faster by worrying people about what the Luciferian plan is for them. The illuminati can not stop what they can not distinguish from normal. Even if they read this blog and have a satellite on me and all my current friends at all times, they will be hard pressed to follow the trail at this point. I have designed and built sunlight powered water distillers with charcoal filters to remove the crap from the water. I grow all my own food. Although I own a business in the city, I can run it from the internet from anywhere in the world. I have retired as a physician and I am still in my 30’s. I really don’t give a damn about their money system and can’t wait till it fails. As soon as it does, people will be clamoring to help me grow the seed producing plants so they can eat. I will automatically have an army of individuals who will fight for me to defend the seed so they can eat when the illuminati fail them. And yes, I know what they are doing to the new gunpowder these days – making it go bad after 6 months. Like I said, they can not fight what they can not distinguish from normal.

    Don’t take this wrong because I do respect your strong-mindedness. However, simply by examining the way they run the education system, the media, and everything else, my hunch is that they are using this power they have gained to turn humans (and yourself) into ever more efficient slaves until you are like the “alien grey” robots that are asexual – not being able to even breed on your own without their intervention.

    If you are or have been raised Luciferian, I realize all you have a lot to lose should you ever decide to leave it… but believe me that if you stay with it, you have already lost the game. You just don’t know it yet. You will be the next into the fire after you kill all those people you were taught to hate. What does it matter who went first when it becomes your turn?

    You are a smart guy. I see it in you. The question is… as Agent Starling says in the movie “Silence of the Lambs”… Are you smart enough to point that high powered intellect back at yourself?” And I would add – do you have the courage to do something about it?

  2. I have a hair-brained theory: I think the earth cycles through ages. This new age or new world order will reward personal responsibility, individualism, and fraternity. If you don't get a tip from a lodge and won't buy your own masks, you're weeded out. Hell, maybe I believe in Gods. The Greeks had 12 olympian gods. They're not literal people, but just the spirit of the times. So it's not about genetically weeding for plain old intelligence or health. It's just honoring the prevailing god of the time.

    Re: deevolution, I read that animal populations become sterile if vaccinated over many generations. But then again, if you take an ounce of personal responsibility for yourself and your kids, you'd friggin read the medical material yourself and avoid the shots. Most people give all the medical responsibility to the guy in the white lab coat and think they can somehow sue him if things go wrong.

    Just because a virus lives on a surface for 30 days doesn't mean you'll get sick from it. You need a lot more than 1 virus to get sick - you need a bunch of them so they reproduce. n95 masks can't filter out particles as small as a virus, but they can filter out viruses riding on water molecules (the majority of viruses). So you probably won't get sick if you wear a mask responsibly during the 2nd or 3rd 6 week wave and wash your hands and avoid public buildings and airplanes that are quarantinable temporarily.

    There's evidence that people may have been smarter in the past. Very old skulls show that people had larger brains and larger noses. We've become more child-like or infantile with smaller heads and smaller noses. Who knows the reason. But there's nothing new under the sun, and genetic selection and evolution / devolution is constantly occuring.

    Intelligence doesn't mean genetic fitness. Most animals do better without it. Would talking help a cat get more pussy? How many billions of years would it take a cat to evolve the ability to talk? It probably would never happen.

  3. I just wanted to give this quick post for your reading pleasure. I would comment further but at the moment I am slaving in the lab hive.


  4. Just FYI - on the vaccines. Most vaccinations contain a preservative called Thimerosal. This is a mercury based substance that is highly toxic to nervous tissue. Last I heard, they were considering replacing this "preservative" with a more toxic aluminum base substance that does even more brain damage. Then people wonder why their kid has autism or their sister can't have children. On a population basis, vaccines likely help reduce damage, but on a personal level, I will never touch them again.

  5. Damnit Beilana. you were doing so well until the end of your comment. oh well...

  6. beilana: you said "On a population basis, vaccines likely help reduce damage, but on a personal level, I will never touch them again."

    My 24 brother in law has autism. Every night, he goes to his mom's bedroom, takes a dump on her floor, and smears shit on his face and on the wall. He can't talk. He can't dress himself. He's just one of the "1 in 48" boys with autism. Most parents would literally not put up with this shit. In the coming welfare global state, where the hell will these people go? These people need all around the clock care, and they live almost normal lifespans. What a drain on society's resources. This is not better on a population basis.

    Most people ramble on about polio. Guess how polio was caused? Spraying with DDT combined with EVERYONE in the 1950s taking tonsils out of kids as a matter of course. Tonsils were the only thing that were producing the antibodies against the virus. This tonsil removal for everyone practice stopped as soon as the wonderful vaccine came out. And then the few people who had their tonsils out and who got it were diagnosed with viral meningitis.

    What about measles? Who gives a fuck about measles? There's fewer than 150 cases per year. That's not deaths. Just cases. Wouldn't you rather get the measles, the mumps, ANYTHING besides autism?

    The thimerosal or preservatives aren't the only dangerous part of these vaccines. It's the permanent viruses introduced into your body's system that your body will continually have to kick for the rest of your life. I read that 40% of people still have the chickenpox virus hopping around in them. Hence, shingles occurs when your body just can't overcome the virus' symptoms. Same thing with measles. A lot of people's bodies just can't ever fully kick it. That was the point of the Andrew Wakefield experiment. He found that autistic boys after getting the MMR shot had the actual measles virus in their guts, even though they never had the measles before, and that somehow, it may have been producing toxins in the gut that went straight to the brain.

    I guess most people who woke up did so because of the 911 conspiracy. But some people wake up over the vaccines. Like a quote on one of these blogs - it's a shame those who take authority for truth and not truth for authority. Trust your ability to read the science for yourself. Read the actual numbers of cases of these diseases. The truth's in the numbers. The truth's not coming out of the best looking fast talking doctor with the loudest voice. Read ACTUAL STUDIES, not some douchebag's summary of the studies. You should only even vaguely consider vaccination for diseases occuring in the here and now - not for every disease that existed 50 years ago or that exists in crappy conditions on the other side of the earth.

    Anyway, I have 3 kids. I gave the first one reluctantly most of the shots. She had 3 ear infections even though she was nursed. I didn't give any vaccinations to my third kid. She's never had an ear infection. She's never needed Tylenol. In fact, she hasn't seen the doctor since she was born. And she's gone to daycare for about 3 hours everyday and has been exposed to her older sisters who bring all the sicknesses home from public school. So, do you trust in science or do you trust in indoctrination?

  7. Donny,

    I do not have much time to reply here so I will just mention generalities - please recognize the limitations of my response. Volumes of books can be written about this subject.

    I agree with what you have said here on a personal level and that is why I tell everyone like yourself not to have the shots - or have their children have the shots. The problems you are experiencing are not a result of the vaccinating molecules (the attenuated viruses etc). The problem is more what they put into the vaccinations like sterilizing agents, other live viruses, heavy metal poisoning, etc. These are the molecules that I do not trust.

    There is no question about it - when you look at the graphs throughout HISTORY (NOT FUTURE - THIS MAY CHANGE IF THEY DECIDE TO PUT SOME REALLY NASTY ITEMS IN THE VACCINES), there are a few things that have diminished death and disease in a population more than any other. Definitely in the top ten are seat-belts and vaccines. There were a few countries that stopped vaccinating for some years because of the low rates of those diseases in their population relative to the rate of problems cause by the vaccines themselves. The result was a dramatic (exponential) rise in the rate of the disease in question. The exponential rise eventually overtakes the damage otherwise being done which is why I say that the vaccines are probably beneficial (on some level) for a population as a whole. But... as long as everyone else is vaccinated in a population, you will not likely need to be vaccinated yourself because the disease will not get to you when it does not have vector to travel on. There is no question that even illuminati would not want people carrying communicable diseases to them so they would want to keep this mechanism working in their favor. Alternatively, they could just inject themselves with untainted vaccine. This is why I tell people on a personal level not to have the vaccine themselves unless they want to be the test subject for the new experiments.

    Believe it or not - as a physician, I worked with the real world as well as the "indoctrination". Believe it or not, they do actually teach some real science in schools, even though much of it may be archaic. Education in any fashion (if used logically) can only serve to give you more information to work with, not less. I constantly test what I read in science and medical journals against what I see and create in my surroundings. A big thing in medicine today is called "evidence-based medicine". This means you must look at the evidence of what is happening before you change something in your treatment. This process eliminates indoctrination to some degree - so you do accumulate some knowledge.

    I have much more I would like to talk about on some other topics, but I will save that for another day.

  8. beilana

    I know that whatever it is does not involve my choice or freedom in the matter – there goal does not result in free people (they seem to want highly effective slaves that attack each other to keep each other in check/////////

    the reason the illuminati has a (ANTI-FREE) agenda is because the masses are in line to have their responsibilitys taken away.These arent the heroes in the history books you read that took care of their shit but bitches who can't handle reality.

    Yes, they are farming you too. It is clear that you are afraid deep down because you are afraid to stand up and fight against their establishment yourself. You are afraid to even refer to them as anything other than god-like and quickly try to whip inline anyone that does think about that. You are afraid to even degrade them because they are like your prophets soon to be (if not already) your gods. Why do you even want to worship a god that simply plans to use you, put you under duress, then kill you for an experiment in evolution.//////////

    This all your scared yada baba blah blah talk really reminds of someone who says somewhat the same thing....alex jones maybe??

    I will automatically have an army of individuals who will fight for me to defend the seed so they can eat when the illuminati fail them./////

    .....AAAaaanyway like this doesn't sound like an infowar wet dream here.Its not like they have a military too either<<...who will say your being selfish and not sharing.

    “Silence of the Lambs”… Are you smart enough to point that high powered intellect back at yourself?” And I would add – do you have the courage to do something about it?

    HEY... i love that movie too...lol BUUUUUTTTTT
    like the movie(oh brave clairice you will let me know when those lambs stop screaming wont you)

  9. beilana

    Don't look at that monkey fucking the elephant in the room! Look at that little dot on the floor over here.

    The monkey is the 1 in 48 boys with autism.

    The stupid dot is the "dramatic" rise in measles cases of 150% in just one year. 50 in 300 million to fucking 150 in 300 million b/c some dude went on vacation and infected his NY city apartment building. That means I have a .0000005 chance of getting the same thing my parents both had when they were kids!

    Numbers for the here and now. Go from words and shiny pretty coats to numbers.

    Throughout history, people had nasty water, lived close together in cities, wiped their asses with their hands, and had 9 kids in a 150 square foot house. They didn't have hand sanitizer, germ education, and hospitals with respirators and antibiotics. So I'm not convinced by the history argument.

  10. Remember Dante's bacterial evolution video? OK, so we've been using the same polio vaccine for how long now?

    Doc, is that same shit going to keep working for the next 50 years on the common polio virus?

    Ah who friggin knows. Let's read the book.
    "Poliomyelitis, often called polio or infantile paralysis, is an acute viral infectious disease spread from person to person, primarily via the fecal-oral route..... "
    Funny, that answer's not in my book. But the book is scaring the shit out of me. Fuck, let's just give it a shot!

  11. DonnyDarkoh

    Am I the monkey fucking the elephant?


    Bio-challenges to promote the adaptation of the species through mutation will reduce populations temporarily. The elite wish to preserve quality, not quantity.

    Therefore Hives looks at the dataset Quantitatively and notices the short term trend of population reduction.

    Dante_Altair looks at the dataset qualitatively and notices the change taking place in the population that is left.

    Yes Beilana, this will hurt the elite as well as the sheeple but in the long run this plague will mean the second rennaisance. The death will bring about the "hope and change".

    If you remember your anthropology or social studies then you will know about this farming method for plants. After a forest burns down the dead plants return to the earth and restore the lands nutrients to provide for the next crop. This is called 'slash and burn' agriculture.

    Likewise since quantitatively humans are a herd we seek to slash them with a viral agent. Qualitatively the survivors are inheriting through death the resources of the dead. So like in the rennaisance that came after the dark ages we will rise again.

    This will be using applied genetics to promote social change, through a break from the resource wars. Both Hives AND Dante are right because in this case one hand washes the other. The theories are totally compatible because they are the two sides of the same coin.

    It is not genetic improvement but social improvement through genetic means. The genetic is the HOW, the social is the WHY. This is why self-reliance is key to surviving.

    Self-reliance is the key to the aftermath, not in preparing for but recovery from the devastation. If you will die, you will die. The question is, if you will live, will you survive?

  13. Beilana Said;

    “There is no question about it - when you look at the graphs throughout HISTORY (NOT FUTURE - THIS MAY CHANGE IF THEY DECIDE TO PUT SOME REALLY NASTY ITEMS IN THE VACCINES), there are a few things that have diminished death and disease in a population more than any other. Definitely in the top ten are seat-belts and vaccines.”

    I disagree on any statement that says vaccines as useful except for LIFEKILL, which I also disagree with. Here is why…

    “A team at Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine conducted several studies to
    determine if vaccines can cause changes in the immune system of dogs that might lead to life threatening immune-mediated diseases. They obviously conducted this research because concern already existed. It was sponsored by the Haywood Foundation which itself was looking for evidence that such changes in the human immune system might also be vaccine induced. It found the evidence. The vaccinated, but not the non-vaccinated, dogs in the Purdue studies developed autoantibodies to many of their own biochemicals, including fibronectin, laminin, DNA, albumin, cytochrome C, cardiolipin and collagen. This means that the vaccinated dogs -- "but not the non-vaccinated dogs"-- were attacking their own fibronectin, which is involved in tissue repair, cell multiplication and growth, and differentiation between tissues and organs in a living organism.

    Perhaps most worryingly, the Purdue studies found that the vaccinated dogs had developed
    Autoantibodies to their own DNA. Did the alarm bells sound? Did the scientific community call a
    halt to the vaccination program? No. Instead, they stuck their fingers in the air, saying more
    research is needed to ascertain whether vaccines can cause genetic damage. Meanwhile, the studydogs were found good homes, but no long-term follow-up has been conducted. At around the same time, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Vaccine-Associated Feline
    Sarcoma Task Force initiated several studies to find out why 160,000 cats each year in the USA
    develop terminal cancer at their vaccine injection sites.(3) The fact that cats can get vaccine induced cancer has been acknowledged by veterinary bodies around the world, and even the
    British Government acknowledged it through its Working Group charged with the task of
    looking into canine and feline vaccines(4) following pressure from Canine Health Concern. What do you imagine was the advice of the AVMA Task Force, veterinary bodies and governments?
    "Carry on vaccinating until we find out why vaccines are killing cats, and which cats are most likely to die."

    In America, in an attempt to mitigate the problem, they're vaccinating cats in the tail or leg so they can amputate when cancer appears. Great advice if it's not your cat amongst the hundreds of thousands on the "oops" list.” - by Catherine O'Driscoll


    "Thank God we have Doctors of Veterinary Medicine with a conscience who speak the truth, like Dr Patricia Jordan, whose book "The Mark of the Beast" about vaccine damage to companion animals will be published soon. These veterinarians know that they could make a fortune by "treating" vaccine induced diseases...but instead, work to end the death and suffering of their patients caused by the sorcery of injecting a witch's brew called "vaccines". Unfortunately, the MD's (medical devils as BJ Palmer, founder of Chiropractic called them), care not how much suffering their patients endure, as long as there is a Mercedes in their driveway. They have allowed themselves to become puppets for Big Pharma. You and your children are suffering and dying due to the fallout of this hypocrisy.

    I hope many of you will show this article to your "white coats". Ask them for their response. Let me know how fast they run to the bathroom...

    Continuing to put the TRUTH on top of the mountain of vaccine lies." - Dr. Carley

    The Elite have known about this since the 20’s and have used it for their ruthless agenda. Vaccines are bad for you…all of them. Here is another sample of evidence by Chas M. Higgins.



    "IN order that there shall be no misunderstanding about the serious charge which I bring against vaccination, as being now actually more dangerous to public health and human life than natural smallpox, and the equally serious charge which I make against vaccinating doctors who now control our Departments of Health and Vital Statistics of denying and concealing these facts from the people, I now issue this special challenge to the Departments of Health of the City and State of New York, which cover a population of eleven millions, and with whose records I am more familiar, that I will undertake to prove from their death certif1cates and vital records, now concealed and withheld from the public, that there have been more deaths from vaccination than from smallpox in every year for the past f1fteen years in the City and State of New York. If they deny the truth of these charges I further solemnly challenge them to open their now concealed records to public ex-amination and I will prove the truth of my charges from these records. Will they now dare to deny these charges or will they dare to refuse to open their heretofore hermetically concealed records to give the full medical and statistical truth to the people on these most important points?

    Chas. M. Higgins.
    Brooklyn, New York,
    September 17, 1919.


    Enjoy! - DarkStar888

  14. what is wrong with you people?

    THE SHEEPLE ARE YOU AND I'S ENEMY. well, atleast MY ENEMY. let them and their children recieve the vaccines. what do you have to lose?

    y'all are infowarriors and i wonder what you have in common with this blog. i'm starting to understand why dante altair has set up a private blog. this sheeple-wake-them-up-fight-the-elite is dumbing down the blog.

    be glad you know what you know and save yourself. let your enemies, the sheeple die. their lives are of no meaning to you. how many times must i tell you they are not your friends? to each their own. don't you have yourself to worry about?

  15. I'm sorry to say Lady Anon, you don't know what you are talking about. Are you actually reading & understanding the posts that provide knowledge? Can you tell for yourself, which information is worth listening to and which to ignore?

    No the Sheeple aren't our enemy...lol. You are sadly mistaken if you think that. You have spent way too much time being distracted at the HIVE. We, all of mankind, has been brainwashed by the Luciferian Mind Set. It’s very simple; we have been programmed through Kaballism. Something I practice myself with good intent for many years. You are not free just because you try to act “Elite”. We are to be “Responsible & not Greedy” as the elite keep telling the masses. The Illuminati are the ones that are Greedy & Not Responsible for their actions, not you or me.

    Please tell me Lady Anon…what is like to be Elite? And why would you want to be like that anyway? The elite are crude, bad liars, dumb fuckers, stupid, ruthless, evil, sick, greedy, nasty little people. Don’t you see the truly greedy people are the Elite not the Sheep! The sheep are just mislead & have had their rights taken away for no good reason.

    The need to kill 6,000,000,000 is a total lie, unnecessary and absurd. You really need to look more closely at the information out there. You’ll see that we can stop the Elite if we want to. And yes we are equal to the Elite…100%, everyone is equal. It’s just that some are more awake than others.

    You are not awake if you believe what you stated in your comment. You said you think sheep should “die” because of the Rules of Natural Law. I call it the “WAY OF THE ELITE”. Bullllllshiiiit! It is just another made up religion to follow called the Laws of Nature. Ok that’s made up to. So is science made up to, etc!

    I guess you don't get it Lady Anon. This world is FAKE! 3D illusion…as in we do not exist! Everything is made up…3D illusion. What part of that don't you understand? Every life form on the planet has been created by us. Yes, us as in we, as in you me and the lamp post. We have been fooled with & mind fucked for thousands of years & I’m personal tired of it.

    Read & listen to the good stuff Lady Anon. Keep trying. It will come to you someday and you will find truth. 

    Enjoy – DarkStar888

  16. Why do you want to be the "elite"?Isn't it enough to be human?

  17. snake,

    to be "human" in this matrix is to be asleep, is to be the sheep. if you want to be the sheep, you be that and continue to ignore what is infront of you.


    if you think the sheeple is not an enemy, continue to think so and ignore what is infront of you. waste your energy trying to wake them up. but you have to remember the elite keeps them asleep and docile for a reason.

    if you can not comprehend that fact, i wonder what you are doing here. if you are here to convert us from being pro-illuminati to pro-sheeple/humanity, don't waste your time. we will never be on the sheeple's side. it is not logical.

  18. LadyAnon, you're so right. I don't know why I friggin try to educate people about vaccines. I haven't listened to DJHives and you enough. It's GOOD that physicians are eliminating competition through opening up vaccine factories. I know I know I know. I was just bored last night and had a lot of time on my hands.

  19. I love how you all are describing the negative effects that vaccines have had on people. HOWEVER, what is happening to the people who live on for 100 years having taken these vaccines????? HHHHMMMMMMMM? you think they got dumber? HAHAHAHA

  20. yo djhives.com stopped working wtf??! invite only anyone else know about that

  21. Might be a new mutation here Dante, with the people that has taken vaccines. Like you have said many times the bigger picture to all the weakening down our body with tons of drugs and chemicals all over the place in the air, in the food, and water. The carpet we wall on in our bear feet. The building we live in. Everything and anything we call the Hive(Home). During vaccination the weak will die but the strong that live out of the vaccination will become even stronger. Vaccination can also be a way to test new ideas on the mass to see the progression of the human race is coming along. Along the path they want to guide the evolution of man.


  22. Now that Hives site is back up, why not post the video...

  23. LadyAnon said:

    "darkstar, if you think the sheeple is not an enemy, continue to think so and ignore what is in front of you. waste your energy trying to wake them up. but you have to remember the elite keeps them asleep and docile for a reason.

    if you can not comprehend that fact, i wonder what you are doing here. if you are here to convert us from being pro-illuminati to pro-sheeple/humanity, don't waste your time. we will never be on the sheeple's side. it is not logical."

    Clearly you either don't read my posts or you don't get the message.

    0th…No I don’t think the sheeple, sheep, celery or any other name you give them, are anything other than a 3D image of what we created ourselves as a man & woman in this illusion of ours.
    1st...I don't ignore anything & see all.
    2nd...Certainly don’t want to “convert” you or anyone else from being a pro-illuminati that you so admire. You even admitted to blindly follow! You are so convinced that the path of the Illuminati is the righteous one, bullshit. I have no need to say any more than that. Want to change a thing in your life? You are responsible for that, not anyone else.
    3rd...I'm just pointing out how "sweet" the Elite are! Oh I love them too.
    4th...you see, I'm not trying to wake the sheeple! You & others like you, who suffer from a Luciferian Mind Set, need to wake-up as much as the sheep do.
    5th...no I'm not on the Sheeple's side, your side, or any ones’ side...that's duality fuck nuts! You really don't get it do you? Shit! WTF am I doing here? You are right!

    Ok...I'll stop now because I'm wasting time on the mindless with useless debate.

    - DarkStar888

  24. yeah, you are wasting your time. you can't blame the elite for the cattle's stupidity. there is no right or wrong. the luciferian way is the most logical of all.

    explaining and understanding reality in 3d will not solve anything. try explaining that to the cattle, lol, instead of me. i know what you are talking about. a real 3d reality example: a piano can be seen in three ways.

    1. as a piece of a tree.
    2. as a piano.
    3. as solid matter.

    every person has the ability to see things or reality in more than one dimension. the cattle refuse to view reality, their slavery for what it is. they are materialistic, irresponsible, non-thinking pieces of walking meat. what the elite shows them is what they see. if the elite tells them the piano is a beautiful musical instrument which every descend family should have, the cattle will start to buy pianos on credit. lol. ignoring the fact that a piano is just a piece of a tree or matter. your lovely cattle will look down on families that don't own pianos and such. you know where it is leading, i don't need to go farther.

    the cattle should not be defended.

  25. ok, im fucking done with this food logic.

    I'm telling you right now...u all ready?

    1. The masses are not seen as food to the "elite" (I put elite in quotations because alot of you still dont understand who they really are).

    2. The masses are TEST SUBJECTS, LAB RATS, BACTERIA UNDER A MICROSCOPE. Everything from vaccines to money to chemtrails are all done for RESEARCH.

    3. you people who are seeing other people as food now are STILL no better than a lab rat. Dont let djhives fool you into thinking you are special now.


    RAISE YOUR HANDS IF YOU ARE LUCIFERIAN or believe in lucifer or worship lucifer???

    Beilana and DarkStar, move along backwards to:


    Anyone else want to call your way of thinking luciferian, please go along with Beilana and DarkStar

  27. the 3d illusion?!?!?


  28. "explaining and understanding reality in 3d will not solve anything." - LadyAnon


    "the luciferian way is the most logical of all."-LadyAnon


  29. beilana=FAIL

    Darkstar666(omg LUFICER! lol)=FAIL

  30. Dante_Altair… I will respect your wishes and not post on this blog any more. Please allow me to answer the questions of those that asked them this one last time…

    Justlazy –
    I hope you are right about just taking away the freedoms of those who can’t handle it, but somehow, I doubt it will stop there.

    I have seen a couple videos by Alex Jones. I have been on both his websites (infowars and prison planet just to see what it is about). I think he is a lot of hype – I have never gotten much into his style because he has next to no real information to discuss and just a bunch of emotion.

    You missed my point about the military. It is not like I was going to try to take them on myself.

    DonnyDarkoh –

    You may be correct about the extreme rise in other vaccination related disease, however, they don’t just vaccinate against measles. The population in Europe has actually begun to drop. This would suggest that there is more disease and sterilization techniques imposed on that population than is being removed. I do not think this is the case on a global level. Also, I do not believe this is all due to vaccines.

    On “THAT PARTICULAR VACCINE” working - Yes – the vaccine would likely work that long. The reason why is that the vaccine OPV is a killed or attenuated virus itself. The way the immune system works is that it makes receptors to as many parts of the pathogen as possible. The virus is chewed up into numerous parts and your system makes antibodies to almost all of the individual parts. The virus would then have to mutate in too many locations to make it again invisible to the immune system. In this way, vaccinations are much better than antiviral drugs. An antibiotic or antiviral drug usually only works on one or two points in a pathogen’s disease process. Therefore the pathogen only has to change that one process then it is back on-line. This is why several drugs must be taken at the same time to avoid resistance developing by the HIV virus or TB.

    Justlazy –

    You might think you are the monkey fucking the elephant, but in reality, the elephant with a much bigger phallus will have his way with you after it even notices your small phallus even exists. Believe me – you can’t be big enough. Unless your last name is Kennedy, you do not have more Senators and Federal judges in your family than I have. There is really only one or two at the top. If you are not physically calling ALL the shots, that person is not you. The elephant will soon have its way with you once it gets bored, so unless you want to be fucked by an elephant, I would get off its back before it notices you were there.


    If you were illuminati and had any significant influence in the group, I would back you completely – I would push also for increased quality.

    However, my personal experience with the healthcare system, obtaining Medicare with my own business, and literally thousands of other regulations on my business alone ranging from increased building codes to new miscellaneous unnecessary accreditations and bond requirements tells me otherwise. This is not rewarding quality, but penalizing it and absorbing it into the government. The direction of this seems to be moving toward shutting down all business and creating slaves out of even the hardest working and smartest individuals. Also, the media is promoting the behavior of idiots, and the government is rewarding delinquent homeowners that over-ran their credit. It seems to me that the government is using the old, lazy, and the “eaters” to give them license to steel from the hard working intelligent people so they can eliminate the freedom of the hard working responsible person. Then they will have them all enslaved. This appears to be the end goal.

    DarkStar888 ---

    I really found your Purdue University study interesting. My brother is in electrical engineering there in Lafayette – I did not know they had a Veterinary School.

    There should be an easy way to find out why the dogs are developing antibodies to their own connective tissues. Your body makes antibodies to molecules in the vaccine. If the vaccine molecules “mimic” the molecules in the body, this would be a smoking gun against Big Pharma. Nevertheless – in general – this increased immune response should not last very long because your immune system will usually go through something called “anergy” where the lymphocytes that make antibodies against “self” soon die out. Nevertheless, there would always be the possibility of lupus or some other autoimmune disease developing.

    This study would certainly give credence to the illuminati’s interest in the informative video put out by Dante_Altair. Attacking the body’s cells at these points would certainly increase mutation rates and therefore evolution.

    As far as the second article on Smallpox. This was not quite so interesting because it does not consider prospective information. The term “fair-of-skin” never was meant to be a skin color thing. It referred to someone who had never had smallpox. Therefore, they were not left with huge “pock-marks” on their face. People would still dying today from smallpox. I do not see people dying today from the smallpox vaccine. (unless of coarse it was true about HIV being delivered in the vaccine).

    LadyAnon –

    I do care how things are done. I think there are much smarter ways to go about selecting than mass poisoning of the population because I am impatient to make a super-race. One quick example off the top of my head… The population is stabilizing so a bit more and we don’t have to worry about overpopulation as much. Additionally, there are many people in poverty. I think that all you would have to do is offer $5000.00 each to women and men for permanent sterilization. Who would take that offer – the druggies, those that need a quick fix, the irresponsible, the poorest among us that do not have a tendency to plan for tomorrow, and those that are extremely gullible and want to follow what the “Stars” that are doing this because it is popular.

    Eliminate the chemtrails and trashing of the environment. I want the government to take the noose off from around the neck of those that are truly trying to create a better world. I want to start working with people who want to create similar to myself without having to support every lazy bum out there. Why make me pay for them. I don’t want to kill them, but I also do not want them breeding. This alone would cure many problems and reverse the breeding trend of the poor and least capable among us from overpopulating.

    DarkStar888 –

    I think that I would love to work with someone like you. People do not need money to create. Money only greases the wheels as the currency. The people are the gears that make things move. The gears may not be as efficient, but will still work without grease.

    All of those who have studied evolution should look at extreme environments such as the ones the illuminati are trying to create. Some examples would be on the tundra of Siberia and Antarctica. In these environments you no longer see as much survival of the fittest. Nature begins to require something entirely new - SYNERGY. Think of the penguins that huddle together in large groups taking turns on the outside of the group battling the cold so no individual freezes. Once the males have guarded the eggs all winter long – starving, the females come and save them and the young with bellies full of fish. None of you can do it alone. You will need others if you want to stay alive.


    If you really think the elite are just out to get the “sheeple”. What have you been breathing lately? Do you really think you know about all the dangers that are in store for you?

  31. this blog is just a cheap spin-off of the real djhives.com, youre a wannabe genius who knows shit

  32. "The masses are TEST SUBJECTS, LAB RATS, BACTERIA UNDER A MICROSCOPE. Everything from vaccines to money to chemtrails are all done for RESEARCH."

    Cool idea. I wish I could see a post on this.

  33. I see anger in you darknight, anger only show us one thing. You have no control and Dante hit the mark with his comment. Only someone that has no control of their emotion knows in truth, and knows that the person in question that they are angry about is right. Please don't show your anger it just proves the point that Dante is hitting the mark. That is not how you out smart someone. showing your emotion is the last thing you do. Everyone is smart in their own way. Maybe not in the same thinking mind set but they all have their smarts somewhere.

    Fight or Flight responds


  34. Hi beilana,

    Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate that. You gave some good thought to all of this.

    I see you have good understand of things. Then understand you have nothing to gain here & neither do I.

    Oh darknight, you speak eliquently, regardless of others opinions. :)

    - DarkStar888

  35. Beilana, Qualitative data does not measure the good properties but the ones which hold specific traits. Quality is the type of change in a system, not a measure of relative worth. Think of the word scientifically.

    Our de-evolution is an advantage to the elite and is the goal. We must be phisically resilient but dumb enough to not be bored by repetitive tasks like sorting, filing, factory work and other menial borg-like tasks.

    Watch the movie idiocracy and office space through illumined eyes. If you watch king of the hill or even beavis and butthead you will see that Mike Judge has just as much knowledge as Matt Groening. The de-evolution is the quality that they seek to promote.

    Try reading the Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Thompson Isyrbyt for the advanced stuff on it. Look at the homogenized hipsters, then you see the qualities that the elite seek to promote in others. The second rennaisance will be like the first, just remember the power the church had with the divisions of religion.

    You quickly see that all belived in christianity but they all thought that they were different religions such as protestantism or catholiscism. Branding existed even in those days although few commented on it. Same god, new flavor...

    Now look at today where music is all overproduced with effects and videos sell the messages more than the music itself. When the world became visual we lost a lot of art oddly enough.

    The second rennaisance will bring about unheard of economic prosperity and obedient workers for the remaining rulers. Look at all of the wage slavery of the first rennaisance when the merchants (bankers) basically ran counting houses (banks) and ruled with a red shield (rothshield). Nothing changed.
